Sign at the entrance to Sutton House in Hackney
Did you know that Wednesday December 3rd is the 2014 International Day of People with Disability? While some people may grumble about there being 'A Day' for everything they are a useful way of raising awareness and encouraging understanding of the groups that they represent.
International Day of People with Disability and World Toilet Day (see this post) are two that I particularly support.
The image at the top of this post was chosen firstly because it made me laugh: the world is not yet inclusive enough for disabled people to expect to be to get into a sixteenth century house in the same way that everyone else does. Signs like this usually direct people to an alternative entrance. Secondly the sign is a reminder of the aim of inclusive design; that one day everyone will be supported by their environment without the need for segregation according to ability.
Sutton House is well worth a visit. Unfortunately many parts of the interior involve steps and other obstacles. I wish I'd made a note of exactly how much can be seen without steps. From memory the entrance level with Tudor Oak linenfold panelling, cafe and courtyard are step-free. The cakes and coffee in the cafe are also recommended.